1- Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz , s.mollaei@azaruniv.ac.ir
2- Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz
Abstract: (1252 Views)
Oxidative stress which is caused by overproduction of free radicals or oxygenated radical species, plays a major role in causing many diseases. The findings suggest the use of antioxidants as compounds to control the release of these radicals or directly prevention of their formation. Therefore, antioxidants can be used as drugs to reduce or prevent oxidative stress. Herbal medicines are the basis of modern pharmacy and many antioxidant compounds are derived from plant extracts. Due to the extinction danger of medicinal plants, the industrial production of many plant antioxidants is not possible. As a result, introducing endophytic fungi as a new source of natural antioxidant compounds could be a new way to access and produce natural antioxidants in food and pharmaceutical industries. In this review, the potential of endophytic fungi to produce phenolic compounds with antioxidant activities was investigated. Most endophytic fungi with antioxidant properties belong to the genera Fusarium and Aspergillus. We hope this review provides useful information for readers to understand the potential of endophytic fungi in the production of new antioxidants, and to encourage scientists to undertake projects that may lead to the development of novel natural antioxidant drugs.
Article number: 7
Type of Study:
Research |
others Received: 2021/08/17 | Accepted: 2022/09/13 | Published: 2022/11/23
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