Volume 11, Issue 47 (Vol. 11, No. 47 2023)                   2023, 11(47): 129-144 | Back to browse issues page

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Rashidian A, Rafiee M, Khorgami A, Mir Derikvand R. Effect of plant density and kaolin on yield and biochemical traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars under rainfed condition. Plant Process and Function 2023; 11 (47) : 9
URL: http://jispp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-1570-en.html
1- 1Department of Agriculture, Khorramabad branch, Islamic Azad University, Khorramabad, Iran.
2- 2Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, AREO, Khorramabad, Iran , rafieemasoud@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (1210 Views)
In order to investigate the effect of plant density and foliar application of kaolin on rainfed wheat cultivars, a factorial-split plot study was conducted in a RCBD with four replications under rainfed conditions in Koohdasht. Plant density factor viz. 350, 500, 650 and 800 plants per square meter and cultivar factor including three dryland wheat cultivars Karim, Kuhdasht and Qaboos as factorial in main plots and kaolin foliar application in two levels of non-application and application of Kaolin were placed in sub-plots. The results showed that with increasing plant density, the amount of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase antioxidants (26.2% and 9.1%, respectively) as well as grain carbohydrates (11.9%) increased, whereas the amount of grain protein (4.3%) decreased, at the highest density compared to the control. The amount of nitrogen, potassium and iron in the grain decreased with increasing plant density. The highest amount of phosphorus, zinc and grain protein belonged to Qaboos cultivar, so that in Qaboos cultivar the amount of phosphorus was 6.4% and 1.9%, respectively, at the same time, the amount of zinc was 4.6% and 1.3%, respectively, and the amount of protein was 2.5% and 0.3%, respectively, more than Karim and Kuhdasht cultivars. Foliar application of kaolin increased the uptake of all essential elements studied in the shoot and the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, zinc and carbohydrates in the grain; but reduced the antioxidants of the shoot and the amount of potassium and protein in the grain compared to the non-use of kaolin. In total, Qaboos cultivar at a density of 500 plants per square meter with the use of kaolin was recommended as the best treatment for grain production and enrichment at Kuhdasht region.
Article number: 9
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Droughts Stress
Received: 2021/07/28 | Accepted: 2021/10/23 | Published: 2022/05/16

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