Mirmohammady Maibody S A M, Haghighi R, Ebrahim Sayed Tabatabaei B. Changes in Carbohydrate and Protein Content and and Assaying Some Antioxidant Enzymes Activities at Flowering Process of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Plant Process and Function 2020; 9 (38) :297-308
1- Isfahan University of Technology , maibody@cc.iut.ac.ir
2- Isfahan University of Technology
Abstract: (2186 Views)
Knowledge concerning some physiological and biochemical basis of flowering process is essential for achieving higher yield and quality of saffron. This study aimed to elucidate the relation between flower mass ratio and a rough content of carbohydrate, starch and protein of plants do produce flower and non-blooming saffron at flowering stage, affecting on flower development and to determine mass-flowering pattern based on comparison of carbohydrate, and protein content of saffron corms as well as the antioxidant enzyme activities at stages of complete dormancy, flowering and vegetative growth. 120 healthy and uniform weight saffron corms were selected and were grown in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicates and placed in a growth chamber. Corms were sampled separately during the dormancy stages (mid-August), flowering (late October) and vegetative growth (January). The results showed that sugar content at flowering stage was increased 65.6% compared to complete dormancy stage and starch content was decreased 32% in vegetative growth stage compared to flowering stage. Catalase enzyme activity was at its maximum level (3 μmol H2O2 min -1 mg-1 protein) and peroxidase at vegetative stage (2.6 μmol POX min -1 mg-1 protein). Due to the lower starch content in plants do produce flower than non-blooming saffron plants, it can be concluded that the plant may convert the starch in the corm of saffron into sugar, depending on its need at the flowering stage, and exchange these two substances as needed. Among the antioxidant enzymes investigated, it was found that the peroxidase enzyme usually acts as a multifunctional enzyme and can enhance or inhibit flower induction.
Type of Study:
Research |
others Received: 2019/10/22 | Accepted: 2020/01/22 | Published: 2020/09/20
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