Volume 10, Issue 41 (vol. 10, no. 41 2021)                   2021, 10(41): 97-113 | Back to browse issues page

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Khademolhosseini Z, Jafarian Z, Rowshan V, Ranjbar G. The effect of salinity levels of irrigation water on some biochemical characteristics of medicinal plant of thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.). Plant Process and Function 2021; 10 (41) :97-113
URL: http://jispp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-832-en.html
1- Payame Noor University
2- University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Sari , jafarian79@yahoo.com
3- Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center AREEO
4- National Salinity Research Center Education and Extension Organization Yazd
Abstract:   (2003 Views)

Thymus vulgaris L. is one of the most widely used medicinal plants in various industries, and its feasibility is very important in saline lands.To investigate the effect of salt stress on medicinal plant garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) A field experiment in a Block complete random design with three replicates was fitted. Salinity treatments used in this experiment were 1, 4 and 7 DS/m which were applied well water with natural salt for agriculture. In order to avoid the impact of the results of research on the type of salts, water with a salinity of 9 to 10 DS/m of agricultural wells, was moved to the farm. Then water with a salinity of 6 DS/m mixed and desired salinity was ready. Measurements of dry weight of stem and leaves, the amount of sodium and potassium elements, Proline and active constituents were done in the stage before flowering. The results showed that with the increase of salinity up to level 4 DS/m; the dry weight of stem and leaves and amount of proline were increased 27.6 and 68.86 percentages respectively. While the increase of salinity up to level 7 DS/m reduces these 49.53 and 22.86 percentages respectively. With an increase in salinity, the amount of sodium increased while potassium and potassium / sodium ratio showed reduced. Salt stress were increased some of the essential ingredients in the herb garden thyme and some others were reduced by salt stress. Such can be concluded in order to irrigate the plant thyme garden with salty water, the best results in terms of product yields and composition of essential oil in 4 DS/m is obtained.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Salt Stress
Received: 2017/04/21 | Accepted: 2018/07/21 | Published: 2021/04/26

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