Volume 7, Issue 27 (vol. 7, no. 27 2019)                   2019, 7(27): 293-306 | Back to browse issues page

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jafarian T, zarea J, siosemardeh A. Flag leaf anatomical characteristics and the spike pretreatment changes with hydrogen peroxide and its relationship with grain yield in dry land conditions. Plant Process and Function 2019; 7 (27) :293-306
URL: http://jispp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-724-en.html
1- illam university
2- illam university , mj.zarea@yahoo.com
3- kurdistan university
Abstract:   (3421 Views)

This study the effect of seed preparation (priming) with different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide on the anatomy of the flag leaf and spike two wheat genotypes( Cross Sabalan ( bread wheat) and Saji(durum wheat)) and its relationship with grain yield, under dry land farming system condition, Experimental design was factorial, arranged in randomized complete block. Results showed that the number of grains per spike, grain yield, grain weight per spike 4-8, leaf area, number and length of stomata and the anatomic characteristics of flag leaf and spike studied in this research affected by seed preparation with hydrogen peroxide. Seeds of plants that were pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide more leaf area and stomata length, area and diameter of xylem and phloem, mesophill, bundle sheath, the upper and lower epidermis of the flag leaf, As well as influenced by hydrogen peroxide, anatomical features of spike including area xylem and phloem, the vascular bundles was greater than control. also, the seed treatment with hydrogen peroxide through a positive impact on anatomical features thereby increasing the number seeds per plant, grain weight per spike 4-8 and grain yield in both wheat genotypes. Finally seed priming with concentration of 80 Mm hydrogen peroxide than other concentrations positive impact on anatomical characteristics of flag leaves and spike because increased grain yield in both cultivars of wheat

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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Droughts Stress
Received: 2016/11/10 | Accepted: 2017/06/21 | Published: 2019/02/3

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