Yadegari M. Effects of irrigation regimes and organic elicitors on physiological and phytochemical characters and the essential oil of Ferulago angulate (Schltdl.) Boiss. Plant Process and Function 2024; 13 (63) : 3
Research Center of Nutrition and Organic Products (R.C.N.O.P.), Shahrekord Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, Iran , mehrabyadegari@gmail.com
Abstract: (175 Views)
Ferulago angulate (Schltdl.) Boiss. belongs to the Apiaceae family and is one of the endangered endemic species in Iran. This investigation was done from spring (May) 2022 to fall (September) 2023 at the Research Farm of the Islamic Azad University Branch of Shahrekord, Iran. The present study was conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications to investigate the effect of foliar application of different organic elicitors (chitosan, salicylic acid and phenylalanine) with a control level (without any spraying) on the physiological and phytochemical characters of Ferulago angulate. Three irrigation regimes (3, 6, and 9 day intervals) in main plots and foliar application of elicitors in sub plots were done. The essential oils were extracted by hydro-distillation and analyzed using GC/MS. According to the obtained results, applied elicitors significantly influenced the physiological and phytochemical characters of Ferulago angulate. In two years, the highest chlorophyll content (16.6-17.1 mg.Kg-1 FW) and total phenol content (1.57-1.65 mg.Kg-1 FW) were obtained in chitosan (0.25 mg.l-1) and phenylalanine (1g.l-1) treatments by irrigation regimes at a 3- and 6 day interval, respectively. The highest essential oil content (0.65-0.61 %) was obtained from the treated plants by chitosan (0.25 mg.l-1) and phenylalanine (1g.l-1) in an irrigation regime with a 3 day interval. According to the biennial results of the chemical analysis of the essential oils by GC/MS, the most important chemical compounds that determine the quality of Ferulago angulate essential oil included Cyclic monoterpenes such as alpha-thujone (11.1-5.5 %), alpha-pinene (9.9-25.2 %) and cis-ocimene (12.2-22.4%), which are the most common components of essential oil plants. Alpha-pinene, belonging to the bicyclic monoterpene was the predominant constituent of the essential oil of Ferulago angulate. Cyclic hydrocarbons such as nonadecane and heneicosane in plants treated with salicylic acid are higher than in other treated plants. Finally, the application of chitosan at 0.25 mg.l-1 can be a good strategy to improve the physiological and essential oil quantity and quality of Ferulago angulate in cold and semi-arid climates.
Article number: 3
Type of Study:
Research |
Horticulture Received: 2023/12/5 | Accepted: 2024/04/13 | Published: 2024/12/24
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