Volume 6, Issue 19 (vol.6,no. 19, Year 2017 2018)                   2018, 6(19): 247-254 | Back to browse issues page

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Ranjbar-Fordoei A. Application of chlorophyll fluorescence indices to evaluatephotosynthetic apparatus function in Pistacia khinjuk under simultaneous salinity and drought stresses. Plant Process and Function 2018; 6 (19) :247-254
URL: http://jispp.iut.ac.ir/article-1-362-en.html
University of Kashan , aranjbar@kashanu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3817 Views)

High temperature, high irradiance, low water vapour pressure, and lack of precipitation in most months characterize arid ecosystems. Under these conditions, trees such as pistachio suffer drought combined with salinity stress. In order to study the simultaneous effects of salinity and drought stresses on photosynthetic apparatus function in P. khinjuk, seedlings of the species were exposed to osmotic stress induced by a combination of salt and poly ethylene glycol (Ctrl (without any treatment), low osmotic stress (LOS), moderate osmotic stress (MOS) and high osmotic stress (HOS). Chlorophyll fluorescence yields were measured / calculated for the following parameters: F0, Fm, Fv, Fʹm, Fʹ0, Fʹm, Fʹv, Fs, F0 /Fm, Fv/ Fm, Fv/F0, Fʹv /Fʹm, &PhiPSII, ETR and Photoinhib-PSII%. A one way ANOWA showed that all the mentioned parameters were differently reacted to osmotic stress treatments without any visible symptoms of foliar phytotoxicity. The highest decrements or functional alterations in fluorescence parameters (in frame of defense mechanism or inactivation of photosynthetic apparatus) were observed at HOS.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Droughts Stress
Received: 2014/12/27 | Accepted: 2016/02/8 | Published: 2017/03/12

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