Volume 3, Issue 10 (3-2015)                   2015, 3(10): 93-100 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (6724 Views)
Artemisia aucheri is a valuable pharmaceutical plant that has many kinds of compounds such as monoterpenoids and phenolics. In vitro culture and callus culture of A. aucheri was established using the sterile plant seeds on MS media. The plant and callus were treated with plant hormones including 2,4-D and Kinetin and also salicylic acid and chitosan as stimulators. The presence of total phenolic compounds, tannins , condensed tannins , and flavonoids were determined by spectrophotometry methods. The total phenolic compounds , tannins , condensed tannins , and non-tannin phenolic compounds were increased on chitosan treatment and the concentration of flavonoids were increased by salicylic acid. The influence of hormonal treatment and elicitors in explants and callus of A. aucheri seems to relate on type and concentration of plant regulators and kind of plant culture.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: biotechnology
Received: 2013/09/11 | Accepted: 2015/02/21 | Published: 2015/03/14

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